Monday, June 27, 2011

oh HELLO san francisco!

View from my hotel. I know, right?!

You guys. Seriously. Can I just tell you how much I needed this?

 A lot.

DAY ONE. Saturday, June 25.

My parents? THE CUTEST.

I am SO not a good flyer.

{Except for the turbulence. I did not need the turbulence.}

Lobby of the Hyatt Regency, where I'm staying.
Super comfy bed, yo.
I love the sliding doors.

We went to the Bay Aquarium. It was a close call, as you can tell.
Jellyfish. Guh-ross.

Don, who has played the clarinet since 1945, serenaded me with the song "Laura." Of course.

I'm a sucker for an adorable old man.
We had a lovely, lovely day.

Day two? Mass at Old St. Mary's, brunch with an Affiliated Agent from the Secret Agent L Project, and a delicious trip to Muir Woods and Sausalito. Pictures to come tomorrow!

Night night!

2 lovely bits o' feedback.:

Jo said...

Your parents are adorable!!
And that bed...boy, could I oversleep in that!! :)

Becca Rae said...

I'm so glad you are able to have such a big splash of sunshine in your life on this wonderful vacation! and i have been to muir woods too!!! i have some pictures that look very similar to yours, except i was about 11 years old, and i had no idea that I visited Muir Woods on my family's trip to San Fransisco, i thought it was during our trip to Orange County (southern CA)...whoops, i guess i need to pay closer attention when i fly across country :) Love you babe!