Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Yesterday, as I lay on my bed and felt the fan blowing cool air against my bare legs, I took a little trip down memory lane and re-read some of the blog posts I've written over the past couple of years. It was interesting. I can see patterns of emotions and experiences all typed up in those words on the page, and when I think back to their actual occurrences, I'm touched by sensations and memories that I'd all but forgotten. It was as if I was reading the life of a woman I used to know quite well but have recently lost touch with. How does that happen?
I came across lots of posts about him. I sort of knew that would happen, and I tried to prepare myself, but the shock of seeing his face and the re-telling of tales where he plays a main character still shot into the center of the Current Me, and my heart got caught in my throat like a rock, sharp and jagged. And it was then that I fully realized--and am coming to terms with--the fact that I still love him. I always will. I just will. Period. And so, that is that. And what I need, in order to deal with this realization, is time and space. Time and space for the sharp and jagged rock to dissolve. If that's even possible, of course. But you see, once it dissolves, the liquidy remains will run back down and into my bloodstream, always to be a part of me.
Yes, he will always be a part of me. Because that's what love does. It becomes a part of you. Yes, it makes me sad that things ended the way they did, and part of me wonders if there would ever be a chance at reconciliation, because my God--that love!--I can't seem to shake it. But right now I have to just let the rock dissolve.
And as I read through the tales of the Past Me, I felt a sense of longing. And restlessness. I've talked about how I don't like change, how I need stability and routine and predictability in my life. This is, of course, a result of growing up in a home with a schizophrenic parent. But there is a sense of restlessness that I can't seem to shake. Do you know that I had the crazy thought of moving to a new city and just starting over? Crazy, I tell you. Especially since I love Pittsburgh so much. Maybe I just need a temporary change of scenery. My trip to San Francisco at the end of June might do that.
Or maybe I need to rearrange the furniture in my living room. Or paint my bathroom. Or hop in my car and just drive somewhere for the day, somewhere I've never been. My brain needs a little jolt out of its current synaptic coma.
I'm taking any and all recommendations seriously. Tell me what I could do. And...go.
{I like the photo above. Don't you?}
from laura at 12:41 PM 5 lovely bits o' feedback.
i like to categorize: the horror of my past life, the ross-a-tron, this may be deep
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
from laura at 4:36 PM 4 lovely bits o' feedback.
i like to categorize: i have issues, let me tell you about my body, there is hope
Monday, May 23, 2011
a little bit of hope.
from laura at 3:48 PM 0 lovely bits o' feedback.
i like to categorize: raise your hand if you hate depression, there is hope
Friday, May 20, 2011
from laura at 4:05 PM 2 lovely bits o' feedback.
i like to categorize: didn't you get the memo?, there is hope
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
on being alone. {part two}
Hmmm...maybe the circus is taking applications.
{photo from this amazing site}
from laura at 4:07 PM 3 lovely bits o' feedback.
i like to categorize: i have issues, i'm grumpy, just thinkin' out loud, raise your hand if you hate depression, the ross-a-tron, this may be deep
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
kick me while i'm down.
from laura at 9:12 AM 5 lovely bits o' feedback.
i like to categorize: i'm grumpy
Monday, May 16, 2011
a diversion.
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And my make-up? Oh, man. Katherine Reel knows how to make me feel like the Most Stunning Woman. Love her. Girl does the best brows in the business.
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I'm putting this picture in here again, because LOOK AT MY MAKE-UP. THE STUNNING, RIGHT? OH YES. THE STUNNING MAKE-UP, I HAZ IT. |
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Um, like I said. Not a good photo. Sorry. I WAS VERY BUSY. |
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A slightly-tired, but content Laura showing you the front of said hair-do. |
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A lovely side view. |
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I'm getting there. But I'm getting even more tired than I was when I started. IT'S A LOT OF WORK TO REMOVE 18th-CENTURY HARLOT HAIR. |
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This is TOTALLY gonna get me a boyfriend. Or someone from Animal Control. |
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Ahhhh...much better. |
from laura at 5:08 PM 4 lovely bits o' feedback.
i like to categorize: let me tell you about my body, that time i thought i was a model and an actress
Friday, May 13, 2011
on being alone. {part one}
from laura at 4:58 PM 2 lovely bits o' feedback.
i like to categorize: raise your hand if you hate depression, the horror of my past life, the ross-a-tron, this may be deep
Monday, May 09, 2011
sun, you are my sunshine.
from laura at 1:49 PM 3 lovely bits o' feedback.
i like to categorize: just thinkin' out loud, let me tell you about my body, raise your hand if you hate depression, there is hope
Thursday, May 05, 2011
back to myself.
{Like the photo at the top? I took it. Yeah, that's me. Playing the cello.}
from laura at 3:16 PM 2 lovely bits o' feedback.
i like to categorize: didn't you get the memo?, i like lists, i want you to like me, raise your hand if you hate depression
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
on being brave. or at least faking it.
And tomorrow?
I have no idea. I think I might want the covers to be within arms' reach. You know, just in case.
I have this problem {well, one among many if we're being honest} in that I feel the weight of the world. Right on my shoulders. And in my heart. And all up in my head. And it overwhelms. the. eff. out of me. I just feel like life is so damn heavy, and I can't possibly carry any portion of it--not even a little slice--because it's just. too. much. My spindly arms--much like the legs of the spider I reference above--have no strength, no oomph!, no ability to possibly hold what the world is handing over.
The spinach I eat does nothing.
I am feeling like a namby pamby lately. A 'fraidy cat. A wuss. No courage. No bravery. No ability to look life square in the eyes and say, Look here, Buster. You need to be nice or I'm gonna bop you on the head.
No. I certainly do not have the ability to do that right now. And the thing is, there are things I need to address. Things I need to speak to. Things my heart is aching--oh, aching!--to get out from within its chambers. Because those things? Well, they are growing. And taking up room. Breathing room, if you will. Valuable, necessary air that helps me stay alive under the covers where I hide.
I need courage. I need to be brave. And I just don't know how.
What do you do when you need to be brave? Do you fake it? Do you muster it? Do you borrow someone else's? Do tell, dear friends. Share your bravery with me.
{I'm holding on as best I can. Or so the image above tells me.}
from laura at 3:31 PM 4 lovely bits o' feedback.
i like to categorize: i have issues, just thinkin' out loud, this may be deep
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
dear depression: i hate you.
from laura at 3:53 PM 12 lovely bits o' feedback.
i like to categorize: didn't you get the memo?, i have issues, i might be crazy, i'm grumpy, let me tell you about my body, raise your hand if you hate depression, this may be deep
Monday, May 02, 2011
eye-opening realization.
i cannot let go.
i thought time would heal it.
i thought time would make it stop, make it go away, make it lessen.
but it hasn't.
my heart doesn't lie.
i wish i could reach out, to let you know. to let you know what is in my heart. you.
i do not. know what. to do.
{photo from here.}
from laura at 4:30 PM 1 lovely bits o' feedback.
i like to categorize: the horror of my past life, the ross-a-tron