Thursday, August 11, 2011

disappearing act. {but just for a few days.}

You know what I love? Four-day weekends. I've decided to take a vacation day tomorrow because the university where I work is closed next Monday. I know, right?! FOUR-DAY WEEKEND. BOOM. Sleeping in, jammies all day, breakfast for dinner {a.k.a. "brinner"}, etc. So, I'm gonna take a little break from this here blog, hide out a bit, and return next week.

And I just might take advantage of the above disguise kit while I'm at it. {You can, too, if you like.}

Enjoy your weekends, my darlings. I'm off to enjoy the fact that my depression has lifted ever-so-slightly.


p.s. This? Oh, yes. You simply MUST. I promise.

2 lovely bits o' feedback.:

Laureen said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture from last post: the library! books! BOOOOOOKKKKKKSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
or in other words: heaven!
i loved "the help." am reading "forgotten God" by francis chan. and oh maybe another 1 or 2 or 57 books as well. piled on my nightstand & floor & shelves. and maybe even several sleep in bed with me. yep they do.
have a wonderful day off my lovely friend. and great food. and cozy jammies. and tea. and maybe even, oh maybe even a donut. yummmm.

Josh said...

i hope you are enjoying your extended weekend; may time, oh the precious thing called "time", allow you to clear your head and find determination and strength in dealing with your depression.